It's time to get our grids on

Folks, I recently released a new product. It's a bunch of grids. Don't skip to the next shot just yet, I promise it might get interesting.

Why grids? Well, if you've followed along recently, you've seen me working on this cool thing started by Able Parris, called #collageretreat. As part of that project, Able and others (including yours truly) shared a bunch of freebies, one of which is a cool sheet of old graph paper. That grid has been a great asset through that series of collages.

Well, somewhere in my archives, my wife found four pages of actual vintage graph paper (late 1900s). I started scanning these in, and then lost control from there. I started making grids, printing them, then drawing grids, then scanning them, then drawing some more, then scanning those in, then making a series of distorted scans, then loosing my sanity, then scanning some more. I'm still drawing grids. Send help.

All the hand-drawn grids were drawn using Micron pens, and a good acrylic square. That said, because they're hand-drawn, they have their share of artifacts, imperfections, and pen sputters.

The printed versions are based on imperial measurements. The grids range from .125" to 2" for the base square.

Everything is scanned at 1,200 ppi, meaning that the final images are sized at 18"x24" @ 300 ppi. Crisp, clean, and detailed, for all that organic goodness.

There are twenty-four distorted grid elements, also scanned at really high resolution, and sized at 18" wide.

Of course, I've also included transparent versions, vector versions, and Bitmap TIFF versions, so you'll have the file ready to go for whatever use you need it for. Everything is clearly labeled, named, and organized for practicality.

- Forty-five (45) base assets
- 18" wide @ 300 ppi
- Bonus: transparent PNG versions
- Bonus: Bitmap TIFF versions
- Bonus: vector versions

You should buy the retro grids pack now.

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Simon Birky Hartmann
Designer, blogger, photographer, husband. USA/FR. He/Him.

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