Give It Away Now...

It truly has been an amazing year for me both personally and professionally. As a way to say thank you for all the support, I am doing a little giveaway! All you have to do is head over to Instagram, repost the giveaway image and tag me in it. It is super important that you tag me and not just mention me, otherwise I won't be able to track you entry.

I will close it down Sunday night and on Monday morning Dec. 15th I will announce the winner. I am giving away 1-Turn A Negative Into A Positive shirt printed by the awesome people @The Prince Ink Co. and 1-Print Matters poster printed by the ĂĽber talented @Mama's Sauce on delicious French paper! I will also throw in some buttons!

Thanks for all the continued support, it means more than you know.


Bob Ewing
Independent Brand Designer from Indianapolis.

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