UnderWing: Branding | Product Design

Hey Dribbble,

This Case Study represents my take on a modernized, streamlined pet service app. My initial goal revolved around creating a sign–up funnel that is more concise than industry leading services, while introducing a crisp, vibrant, mature, but welcoming UI—an alternative to the cute and kitsche UI of current industry leaders.

Link to Prototype

The Problem

User and market research revealed that trust is the main factor that deters pet owners from utilizing or continuing to utilize app based, pet care services. A core user complaint centered around unreliable GPS tracking that made users feel worried about the safety and location of their beloved pets.

Sign up flows are also lengthy—ranging from 8 to 12 screens.

Additionally, I realized that pet service apps were missing out on the underserved market of bird owners. There are nearly 20.6M bird owners in the US alone, but their only options for care are expensive private boarding services that range from $800 to $1K per month in CA, with no real options for quick house visits.

The Solution

To build trust with the apps’ GPS capabilities, a map element has been more fully integrated into the interface. The interactive map has also been elevated to the hero figure, allowing it to become a primary element of the UX.

I condensed the sign up flow to 6 pages—allowing users to quickly and efficiently build an account.

The apps name, UnderWing, alludes to the inclusion of bird care and also invokes feelings of protection and reliability that reinforce the goal of the brand—to have a pet care service that people can trust. The UI has a tropical and tasteful color pallet that has been completed with custom design elements throughout.

Brittney Sundquist
Creative Director | Product Designer | Muralist

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