Invite App

Invite App is a revolutionary platform that brings a fresh approach to meeting people online. It simplifies finding a travel buddy with a similar interest to yours. This app lets people connect and share their travel experiences.

The goal

The goal was to enhance the user experience and maximize user engagement. We aimed to create an intuitive and visually appealing interface that simplifies the process of finding and connecting with potential matches. By focusing on user-centered design principles, we aimed to improve navigation, streamline interactions, and ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for users throughout their journey on the app

New solution

We conducted user research and implemented a complete redesign of the Invite App focused on simplifying the interface, creating the matching system, improving messaging features, adding location suggestions, optimizing the UI/UX for desktop and mobile, and facilitating more meaningful connections between users. The app's primary focus is to help users find a friend or group of people to travel with. That's why we have implemented travel functions with date and location selections. After the trip, people can share their trip stories on the app, and other users can interact with this content. Overall, our mission was to create an easy-to-use app for adventurous people who like to travel with someone.


1 UI/UX designer and 2 Project Managers worked on this project.

Figma was used for design creation.

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