Salario 365 Web App

When our startup client approached me with a need for brand identity design and a web app design, I was excited to take on the challenge. The client wanted a unique brand identity that would stand out in the crowded market and a user-friendly web app that would cater to different types of users.

Brand Identity Design

To kickstart the project, I first focused on designing the brand identity and brand guidelines. I worked closely with the client to understand their vision, values, and target audience. After brainstorming several ideas, I developed a unique and memorable brand identity that accurately represented the client's business.

Web App Design

Once the brand identity was established, I moved on to the web app design. I identified different types of users for the app and developed user personas to guide the design process. I set the overall design aesthetic and created two proposals for the client to choose from.

After the client chose a proposal, I sketched ideas for the final prototypes and developed a simple design system. I then created the first high-fidelity wireframe and proceeded to design the rest of the screens. In addition, I designed wireframes for screens for internal users, ensuring that the app was user-friendly for all types of users.

I also designed a couple of complimentary email templates that matched the brand identity, providing a seamless user experience from the app to email communications. Lastly, I adapted the design to be responsive to tablet and mobile view, ensuring that the app was accessible and easy to use on any device.

My expertise in identity design and web app design enabled me to deliver a unique and user-friendly web app that met the client's needs. The brand identity and web app design accurately represented the client's business, and the app was well-received by its users. The app's design helped the client stand out in a crowded market, and the responsive design ensured that users could easily access the app from any device.

More by Mary Palmar

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