Dropdown Navigation

July 31, 2019

Dropdown navigation to show all our tariffs. Check out on: www.ottonova.de ____________________________ Want to work with me? - Write a mail to: hello@floriansteinle.com - Or visit my portfolio: https://floriansteinle.com/hire-me - Inst...

Life Calc Desktop Mobile Comparison

July 30, 2019

Check live version here: www.ottonova.de/spar-rechner ____________________________ Want to work with me? - Write a mail to: hello@floriansteinle.com - Or visit my portfolio: https://floriansteinle.com/hire-me - Instagram

ottonova Affiliate Program (Mobile)

July 09, 2019

Mobile view of the page for our affiliate program we will launch soon. Check out attachment for details. www.ottonova.de ____________________________ Want to work with me? - Write a mail to: hello@floriansteinle.com - Or visit my port...

ottonova Affiliate Program

July 01, 2019

Page for our affiliate program we will launch soon. www.ottonova.de ____________________________ Want to work with me? - Write a mail to: hello@floriansteinle.com - Or visit my portfolio: https://floriansteinle.com/hire-me

ottonova Knowledge Base

May 14, 2019

Our new knowledge base is coming soon. 🔥 www.ottonova.de ____________________________ Want to work with me? - Write a mail to: hello@floriansteinle.com - Or visit my Portfolio

ottonova Redesign Tariff page

May 13, 2019

One of the new sites of our redesign ____________________________ Want to work with me? - Write a mail to: hello@floriansteinle.com - Or visit my Portfolio

Dark UI Elements

April 29, 2019

Check out the live version here: https://www.ottonova.de/spar-rechner/ ____________________________ Want to work with me? - Write a mail to: hello@floriansteinle.com - Or visit my Portfolio

UI Elements

April 25, 2019

Here are some of the ui elements we used for our savings calculator. Check out the live version here: https://www.ottonova.de/spar-rechner/