Welcome Illustration Standing Banner

November 02, 2018

These were two of the standing banner designs we used to welcome attendees to the hackathon, roughly 3ft x 7ft. We were searching for a way to reuse the large dubhacks building illustration from the cover of our website, but the dimensio...

Hanging Canvas Banners

November 01, 2018

These were two massive (5ft x ~9ft) canvas banners we had made to be hung from the opposite ends of the central atrium where Dubhacks was held this year, in Mary Gates Hall. Visible from all sides of both the first and second floors, the...

Totem Wayfinding Signs

October 31, 2018

Larger, 11x17in signs that served as Wayfinding totems that we could tape on the walls and print several of (for cheap!). Arrow placement for each destination changed orientation based on relative direction (Left, right, forward, behin...

Wayfinding Signs

October 30, 2018

An overview look at the wayfinding sign system for the event venue. With multiple floors to account for, we were looking to create a templated system that was easy to modify and expand, while also being fun, easy to read from a distance,...

Schedule Banner

October 30, 2018

This was the standing banner design we used to display the schedule for the event, roughly 3ft x 7ft. Readability from a moderate distance was important, as well as providing subtle elements for the rest of our identity.

Volunteer + Organizer Badges

October 29, 2018

We wanted to create something unique for our AMAZING volunteers, and the first thought that came to mind was a unique sticker just for them; something they could show off and be proud of for devoting their time to our event. I liked the...

Dubhacks "D" Sticker

October 29, 2018

We never created a single-letter icon for the brand, mostly because we didn't feel we needed to. That being said, there was still the opportunity to create some sort of smaller symbol for Dubhacks that wasn't a full larger illustration, ...

Suzzallo Library Sticker

October 26, 2018

When looking for ideas to make stickers for our attendees, we kept coming back to the idea of campus landmarks – nearly none of which is more iconic than Suzzallo library. Repurposing an earlier illustration for our website, I touched ...