Dark mode settings page

December 14, 2021

Built for a language learning flashcard app. Coming soon!

Language learning app landing page

October 20, 2021

First version of a quick page I am setting up for a language learning app in progress. Done in Figma in about 2 days because timelines 🥲 Feedback welcome!

Dark mode design system

September 23, 2021

Building a design system for a flashcard app in dark mode!

Dark mode toast components

August 12, 2021

Part of a design system for a web app. Responsive components for error, success and informational toasts.

Language learning app - Word list

August 11, 2021

Word list design for a flashcard app I’m working on with two of my friends. The intention is for users to have a list of words from flashcards they've seen before, and to be able to filter the list by word level and date seen. We’re st...

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Lindie Botes ✦