ParkingLot Icons

December 14, 2017

Here's a simple icon set I created for the ParkingLot landing page: surveillance camera, mobile app, light sensor and API. Don't forget to smash that like button, and check out my instagram account, where I always post some extras.

Isometric Animation

November 21, 2017

What's up Dribbble? Here's my second illustration for the ParkingLot landing page. The product uses in-pavement light sensors, image processing and user data from their mobile devices to manage parking space. The animation will roll on p...

ParkingLot Hero Animation

November 13, 2017

Hello Dribbble! I am really excited to share with you the first shot from a project I am currently working on. In this short animation I tried to tell a simple story on how the ParkingLot product works: by using in-pavement sensors and ...

Available for new projects

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Mike Piechota