DAY 2 - Read to your plants

This might be a bit awkward for some of you and that is great.
You will need at least one book and one plant or flower.
If you don't own any book, shame on you, go to get some right now (not literally, ideally order it online or at least download some free one).
If you don't have any plant, consider getting some for several reasons.
Staying home without no access to nature might be frustrating, so this might help a little. Having a plant is a great tool to train your patience and parenting abilities. Your home will look much better, and maybe even smell much better. Green is calming. You won't feel so lonely.
Choose a book according to your plant - try to estimate which plant would enjoy which book or genre.
Choose a comfortable seat close to your green companions and close to the window, make tea (not mandatory) and start reading aloud.
If you are not home alone, invite other members to listen, but primarily you should read to your plants.
If you have more plants, consider reading different books as I don't think monstera will enjoy Danielle Steel (maybe it does?). Write about it to your journal (from Day 1), take some pictures of your plant and book you chose for it (you can print them and put in your journal too).
Let me know which book you chose for your plants and why.
Do you think this is insane - why you should do it.
Bingo - why not?
Let me ask you - when was the last time you read aloud to someone?
And when was the last time you read to your plants?
You are home anyway, don't be shy, try new things.
Stay sane by doing insane.
If you can, stay home. If you have to go out, wear mask, keep 2 meters distance from others.
Don't touch your face, wash your hands carefully. Call your relatives and friends.
Help your elder neighbours if they need to but try to avoid any contact.
#Stayhome #stayhealthy #staypositive #staysane

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