I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER! Baby Octon is set to impact the Earth on January 18th, 2021! Right now the lil' one is just the size of a peach, floating around like an astronaut in Natasha's inner-space. ✨ This baby has been such an amazing blessing and a source of positivity. There's so much to learn and tackle in the months ahead, but we're ready to handle all of it. I hope this announcement brightens your day. I know good news is much welcomed these days.

I approached the accompanying illustration like I would a painting. Did you know I used to paint in oil and acrylic? Well I've been applying those techniques digitally. I'm super stoked on the final result. If you've been along for my creative journey since day one, then you know I've always been influenced by outer space themes. It only made sense to carry on with that tradition as I start this next life chapter. I'm certain the baby will continue to influence my creativity positively.

I'm ready to hustle homies! With the baby on the way, I'm looking for new freelance opportunities to help support my efforts as a soon to be daddy. Do you dig this style? Let's put it to use on a new project! I'm down to collaborate or take the lead.

Jarod Octon
California based illustrator, designer and art director.

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