[gif] Memento of an Animation's History Lessons

Memories of an Animation's History Lessons
School project highlighting some of the greatest improvement from the history of animation and cinema.
Work still in progress !

See the full video here : https://vimeo.com/84623041

References used :
Horse & Zootrope (1834)
La Rosace Magique - Praxinoscope of 1876-1879 - Emile Reynaud
Le Diable au Couvent - 1899 - Georges Méliès
A Trip to the Moon / Le Voyage dans la lune - 1902 - Georges Méliès
Fantasmagorie - 1908 - Émile Cohl
Charlot est content de lui - 1914 - Charlie Chaplin (first interpretation of the Tramp / Charlot)
Le cuirassé Potemkine - 1925 - Sergueï Eisenstein
Metropolis - 1927 - Fritz Lang
First Mickey Mouse - 1928 - Walt Disney
Betty Boop - Dizzy Dishes 1930 (Fleischer Studios)
The Man With The Golden Arm - 1955 - Saul Bass
L'Étrange Noël de monsieur Jack - 1993 - Tim Burton

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