Lifelogging Mobile App — Mockup


Back in 2015 I helped an entrepreneur to design a concept for a quantified self-tracking mobile app. The vision for this app was to transform the potential of a mobile device as a daily log of personal data, into a real journal of daily activities.

Many questions popped into my mind when I decided to work on this project: What is the biggest problem this app is trying to solve? What are the key benefits to users? For one, smartphones keep track of a lot of data since it goes with you almost everywhere, but the data it collects is fragmented across different apps and services, undermining its usability and usefulness (it happens to me even today in 2020). So the hypothesis was that this app would keep track automatically of your movement, photos and places, trips, purchases, etc., and serve it all up in a slick looking timeline view to look back over later.

I personally think it would be very nice to open just one app and not ten different ones to get a high level view of how my day or my week went (i.e. health activity, purchases, photos, videos, trips, places visited, phone calls, messages, time offline, status of amazon orders, Nest alerts, etc.) Similar to the "Screen Time" report we see today in our iPhones, which access a bunch of data collected by the feature from different apps.

Feel free to leave feedback and share your love if you like what you see.

Julio Reguero
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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