Artstation – Mobile application concept


As a product designer, I spend a lot of time looking for inspiration on Dribbble, there is a lot of inspiration relevant to my work. But I want to find inspiration that is not related to UI design sometimes.

So I started spending a lot of time on Artstation looking for cool concept art from different artists from all over the world. The Artstation mobile app is not very modern, so I decided to spend a few evenings crafting a concept of a new mobile app for this service.

Here is a Home tab concept: few generative blocks help explore your feed, discover new authors with editors recommendations, and helps to know about new stuff from the Artstation team (for example branded podcast).

So guys, what do you think about it? Type L and share your thoughts below.


I sharing a lot of stuff from internet on my Telegram channel на русском 🙂. Follow it! ____________

Link to artworks I've used in this shot: Bryan, Alejandro, Allan, Livia, Nick, Leonid.

More by Valera Pieŭnioŭ

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