iPad Weather Concept

Another app missing in iPad’s tool belt is Weather.

With the acquisition of Dark Sky, Apple has a great opportunity to not only bring Weather to the iPad, but to include a whole host of new tools. There are a few features in Dark Sky that I would love to see in the weather app. Weather could provide even more data points, send precipitation notifications, and add the ability to select a day or time to get specific forecast information.

The biggest problem (pun intended) I set out to solve in my design was transposing the iconic design of the iPhone app to iPad's large screen format.

Adding a sidebar not only provides a space to keep favorite locations for easy access, it creates a condensed area that's easier to fill without getting an overbearing amount of information all at once.

Do you think there's a chance that Apple will bring Weather to iPadOS 15?

Explore the full concept here!

More by Chris Walker

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