Sword in the Stone

Hi, this is a 12th century sword in rocks.

There's a real sword-in-the-stone thing in Italian Tuscany, kept in San Galgano Abbey, some two dozen miles from Siena. The religous cult around it seems long to be gone, apart from the tourist one, of course. The place itself carries lots of medieval romance.

Today it is more of an image of a complex, unsolvable problem with no obvious way to approach it, as to pull the sword out long has looked like an infeasible task. One of the folklore swords stuck in stone is Excalibur. It appears in a late narrative about legendary King Arthur (the one destined to pull it out). And there's at least one more, hanging upside down from a rock - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durendal

Where do you know the story from? I clearly remember an Aubrey Beardsley print depicting Arthur being handed the sword from a lake. And actually this scenario was the most popular for some time. Until in the 12th century a French poet Robert de Boron adds to the Arthur legend. Now the rock chooses a King.

This is part of a series I'm doing for our customers at Storry to enjoy.

So what's the thing is about?
A pretty ordinary task can easily become overwhelming if you think too much about reaching the end point. Itinerary or problem, break it into steps and assume there's a chance for you to finish it successfully. When you allow for positive thinking, you can reach the final point just by steadily doing it.

It's for sure about some hard work ahead and… I guess we all have something special to pull off.

Step forward now and fullfill your d-d-Destiny! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppC8QzW2090


Btw, did you know, Leroy&Merlin could be Le Roi et Merlin (Merlin and the King in French), though it's founders' last names. What a possibility here :D

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