#tbt: Icey

Does Dribbble have #tbt? It should. If not, I'll start. Let's go back to early 2012, when linen patterns were a thing and every bit of text had a 1px drop shadow.

This is an issue management/tracking web app that I built at a Node.js hackathon. It connects with your Github account, imports your projects and issues, and then gives you a Kanban-style interface to manage priorities and states. Drag-and-drop the issue cards to prioritize, and to move them from state-to-state. It basically turned Github Issues into Trello.

Though this actual app had fallen victim to post-hackathon neglect and isn't around anymore, it's cool to see other apps with the same idea (https://huboard.com/) finding traction.

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Posted on Aug 7, 2014

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