Music App – Track List Item

Something I realise again and again, is how important it is to map out the data you have to work with, and base your design on that data. Theres often a mismatch between how you imagine the data to be, and what it actually is.

This is a design of a track list item from a project of mine, where we are displaying various kinds of audio tracks. Songs, Podcasts, Speeches, Audiobooks. What I found out by assessing the data on each track type, was that the data that was needed, in order to identify the track, is different depending on the data type.

It's not always "Title, Artist, Album".

It could be "Title, Episode Number, Podcast".

Or something completely different.

I ended up creating a component that doesn't dictate the specific data to show, but allows for three pieces of data to be shown.

And then I specified the data for each track type.

It made all the difference.

More by Søren Clausen

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