Jon Lorond Saves The Day Book (Kickstarter campaign)

ARRRR ME HEARTIES!! I be super excited to share this new project I have been blessed and inspired to be part of with my talent friend Hanna Rasco!

Hanna has written a truly imaginative story about a boy, his mom and a rascally band of pirates! You can find out more about this incredibly clever crew of characters here:

The highly creative and inspiring video for this campaign alone is worth the visit, Hanna's husband was the creative behind it.

We would be so very very grateful for your support of the project, and hope that you would help us make this book a reality. We have a long way to go on the funding, but with your help we can make this book a reality! Lots of fun rewards, that I have had a highly inspired time creating.

Please share this with your friends, family, social media circles and anyone else you feel would connect with the creativity of this book.

Thank you for the ongoing support and encouragement my friends!

Posted on Sep 18, 2014

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