Kilas Balik 2021

Hi, friends! Did you check Kilas Balik 2021 on your Tokopedia app?

It's always fun to look back through the highlights of our year. So to make a good start in 2022, we brought you back to see how much you have saved while shopping in Tokopedia throughout 2021. Of course, it is with the hope that you will save even more this year.

What made Kilas Balik 2021 merrier was the way it paid homage to something close to all Indonesians' hearts: Sinetron (Indonesian soap operas). Famous sinetron antics are shown in the form of stories that are uniquely yours, visualizing the journey we've had together in Tokopedia. It's fun, it's fresh, it's hilarious. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Special kudos to our team: Levi Jo, Ryan Oktavianto, Christin Stefphanie, Endi Septia, Adze Ganesha, Sharad Kiswani, Deeksha Agarwal, and Rajat Khurana!

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