Luxe Valet


I'm very excited to show you a project I recently just launched, This project was completed from scratch in just 10 days.

It went a little something like this:

Day 1: Start and lead the creative and design.

Day 2: Get design 90% complete and hire a photographer and a developer. Of course I got the best photographer around, Dean Bradshaw and legendary developer, Shane Mielke to help -- both close friends of mine.

Day 3: Drive down to LA from SF to meet up with Dean.

Day 4: Direct and shoot everything in one day.

Day 5: Drive back to SF. Finalize assets. Dean to begin creating
video and photography assets.

Day 6-10: Complete assets and hold off to Shane to bring
it all to the finish line!

It's been a wild ride, but proud of everyone involved. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as we do. Be sure to check out the high res version attached.

I've got some more stuff coming soon for this. Follow me or Luxe for details.

More by Dann Petty

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