Daily UI — Music Player

Hello folks! ️️✌️✌️

For Daily UI #009 I decided to continue with the concept for the instrument learning app from day #006.

For this challenge, I designed a music player with a twist 😎

As an aspiring guitar player (aka Pro in the making!), I tend to break songs into parts while practicing, and it's very frustrating having to set manually the player all the time 😩

So, I came up with this idea: the user can edit the timeline and choose to play only a segment of the song.

In this post, you can see the first screens. Starting on the profile page, the user can reach all the songs added to the "Repertoire" and play them.

In the next post, I'll share the timeline screens. Stay tuned! ⚡🚀

More by Estepheny Abreu

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