GoodTrust - Protect your digital life and legacy

🤗Here is a story of how I helped Cleevio's Silicon Valley client, a former Google and HTC Vive VR executive, Rikard Steiber to design a GoodTrust - the secure digital-legacy platform.

Have you ever questioned yourself, what happens with your digital stuff (like accounts, subscriptions, banking access) after you die? 

Me neither! Even if it can appear a little bizarre to someone, it does make sense to take care of it. 

I started by collecting all information about his business plan, target group behavior, brand, and the overall value proposition. 

Then we aligned our views by iterating the product mindmap and visual-style mood board. The positioning was set to create a trust and security feeling by guiding and advising. 

What came next? I’ll uncover the rest of the story in the next shot. 🤩

Posted on Apr 25, 2022

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