Emotionally charged landing page

Stokke is all about children's products. Its mission is to make early childhood development as easy and stress-free as possible for parents. We helped Stokke communicate their drive for innovation on an image website. Therefore we used emotionally charged images, warm colors and motivating interactions.

Our services in this project:

  • ⦁ Content Strategy

  • ⦁ Concept

  • ⦁ Image Website Design

  • ⦁ 3D Illustrations

  • ⦁ Development

überdosis ・ Your hands-on team for lovely digital products. Visit us at ueberdosis.io and feel free to contact us.

Do you have a specific project or a rough idea? Both are great! We’re specialists in building human-centered systems and you know your customers and industry best. If we put our knowledge together, we’re able to create meaningful digital products. Drop us a line and tell us your idea.

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Your hands-on team for lovely digital products.

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