Beam for reddit

Hey Dribbble, meet Beam! A simple iOS app that allows you to discover and browse reddit. Available in the App Store noooow.

Get it for free!

Beam has quite a history. We started working on a reddit iOS app a long while ago and what started as a side project initiated by Jonno Riekwel quickly became something bigger. The project back then was called Cake (amongst three other names) and you might’ve seen it popup in a few places. Cake went through a few rough phases, the app was on and off in development for quite a long time and eventually got shelved.

Until a few weeks ago, when we sat down and devised a plan: “Lets build and design Beam in one night and submit it to the App Store”.

The next day we had a usable build on our phones and were discovering a ton of weird and especially NFSW subreddits. The app was awesome, but needed some essential bug fixing. So a few more nights of hacking and designing and most app breaking bugs where crushed. Not just that, we also built a responsive web view for shared posts!

Then came the pivotal tipping point in this tale, instead of making sure every detail is right, every pixel is polished and every color is right we decided to simply release it.

There’s a ton to do and the app isn’t pretty (yet ;)). Actually, this is where we need your help. Download Beam and help us improve it. I’d really love to get your opinions and please feel free to send feedback directly to me at:

Let’s discover reddit together!

More by Michiel de Graaf

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