Walken Redesign Concept

Hey, what's good Dribbblers? πŸ€

I was quite busy last year and didn't had any free time to work on some dribbble shots.

I think I'm back 🀘

Now, let's talk about this shot. I was never involved in any nft games, but I found out the cutest healthy, lifestyle game: Walken

The first thing that came to my mind was to express my sympathy for this game.

Guess what? I decide to make some changes and redesign the app!

🎨 Redesign Process

At first, DARK THEME βš”οΈπŸŒ‘

After that, I searched for some nice-looking typography and catchy colors for upcoming screens. The "Biggest" challenge was to find out the a direction to represent CAThletes perfectly, but it went pretty well if you ask me 😁. After sketching and experimenting with some ideas, I came up with this result 🐻

πŸ‘‹ Onboarding

πŸ‘Š Competitions

πŸ”₯ Other screens

I'm available for new design projects:Β  beqqagiorgadze21@gmail.com

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