Heywork - #1 Remote Job Search

Over the last three years, the way we work has changed forever. Millions of people have become more flexible about where they live and work. From now on, you can find a remote job, escape the office trap, and start building a career from anywhere. Stop commuting long hours to the office. Stop choosing between your family and your career. Stop moving to other cities for a new job. Life comes first, work comes second.

But job search websites have been the same for two decades. You enter a job title, choose your region, and add some filters that were invented in a pre-remote world. What about timezones? What about visa requirements? What about employee benefits like paid home office equipment? The many questions of a remote job seeker are left unanswered. That’s why I built a new job search website for remote workers, making it easy to discover thousands of remote job opportunities from top employers like Airbnb, GitLab, Spotify, and many more.

Want to work from anywhere? Visit heywork.com and join the waitlist! ✌️

Hiring remotely? Send me a DM or email: goehmann.jan@gmail.com

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