User flows Session

This morning brainstorming UI session started to clearly shape the user flow of the dashboard.

I am working on figuring out the steps user will take and what types of memberships will allow users to access different views. Once the main user flow was completed, I did a 30 mins session asking question about each step of the way, so that we can explore what the user will be doing or being redirected to once they have arrived to a specific part of the dashboard.

Main Userflow

Figma & Figjam for better colab

I am currently using Figma and Figjam for this project as it allows everyone involved to easily leave comments and answer the questions I have about the user interface and the steps that will be taken. Once the UI is ready, I will also be integrating overflow to better present all the steps across the user journey.

LP Design Studio
Web Design Specialist and Founder at LP Design Studio

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