Error 404 message

I know what you're thinking: "What's this error 404 message all about? Why can't I just leave it as-is?"

Well, I'm here to tell you that you CAN! It's okay to leave your 404 error message as-is. It's not going to confuse anyone, and it's not going to lose you any business. But if you want your users to feel smart and in control of their experience, the way they want to feel, then this is the way to do it—with a little help from me.

I've been researching error 404 messages for a long time now, and my findings have led me to believe that most people don't know how to write an error message that actually helps them solve their problem (and still gets them the information they need). They just throw up some text and call it a day.

But let me tell you something: The world needs UX writers/copywriters like me who understand the importance of crafting a user-friendly error message—one that guides users toward where they need to go rather than confusing them by telling them something they don't need to know yet.

And so I present to you my UX writing for an error 404 message for an organic food shopping website.

So tell me; What do you think of this error message? What would make it better? How can I improve it?

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Posted on Nov 4, 2022

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