Pixem — A px and em unit converter

It's been awhile since I played around with Pixem. Pixem is a versatile px and em unit converter. This conversion app is unique because it allows you to not only convert single numeral values, but it also permits you to copy and paste in your whole stylesheet.

Full view of the design

The design isn't the only change. I recoded the script that converts these value. Now the conversions are more precise. Additionally, the older version had a problem converting from ems to pixels, and that is now resolved. Also, I made the expression which looks for the units to convert less strict. For example, now it accepts both .5px and 0.5px. I also noticed that when you tried to convert an integer less than one, it didn't convert properly. For instance, If you were to convert 0.9px to em units, it would respond with 0.0.563em. It should be 0.563em.

Feedback on the design and experience would be appreciated. I hope the UX isn't too counter-intuitive with all the buttons and flashy animations.

If you'd like to check it out, go ahead!
You can also take a look at the previous version.

Posted on Jun 22, 2015

More by Matthew Kosloski

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