Toast - Checkout/Credit Card Input


This concept was created for the Daily UI Challenge :: 002, which provided the following prompt: "Design a credit card checkout form or page." 

Utilizing the style guide and branding materials available on Toast's website, I created this concept for an update to their mobile ordering app checkout/credit card input pages.

My goal was to create something that felt fast, straightforward, and easy-to-follow, while also being tied into their brand. To achieve this, I utilized the pop-up slider currently used on their application, which allows for quick access back to ordering options. Additionally, instead of solely relying on filters to separate restaurants with delivery options from those with pickup options, I added a delivery method selector at the beginning of the checkout process. This better accommodates for restaurants that offer both options and also adds a point of friction to ensure users are more aware of the method they are selecting, thereby reducing frustration resulting from mistakenly choosing the wrong option.

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