Respage SaaS Platform

About client

Our client is the leading provider of AI-driven apartment marketing solutions nationwide in the United States and has partnered with property management companies for over 18 years to create and boost renting results. The company’s comprehensive portfolio addresses the full life cycle of today’s renter, demonstrating tangible results that maximize ROI. Solutions deliver more qualified leads, nurture prospects, boost online reputation and star ratings, improve resident satisfaction, and generate more leases for multifamily apartment companies.

The solution

Our company offered the client a dedicated team that worked closely with their in-house team. InterCode constantly expanded the number of employees in the dedicated team to satisfy the development needs of the client. As of now, 2 dedicated teams are working with the client, which has their own team leaders, full-stack software engineers, and manual and automatic quality assurance engineers. In collaboration with the in-house team, our teams refactored the front end of the application using a modern approach of micro-frontends, which allowed us to achieve high flexibility in the further development of new features of the project and significantly improved the application speed. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, our company quickly increased the capability of the teams in order to make new features very quickly brought to the market.

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