A Case Study: Iran COVID-19 Emergency Response Project (ICERP)

The 'Iran COVID-19 Emergency Response Project' (ICERP) is a collaborative initiative involving three key institutions: the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank (WB), and Iran's Ministry of Health. With a total budget of USD 50 million, this project aimed to bolster the country's healthcare capacity to effectively combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was successfully conducted during 2020-2021.

ICERP facilitated the procurement and distribution of 451 essential life-saving medical and diagnostic equipment to 182 public hospitals and laboratories across all 31 provinces in Iran, supporting the dedicated efforts against COVID-19.

As a multifaceted project, ICERP faced various organizational considerations and partner-specific restrictions, particularly in terms of reporting and style. Effectively managing these challenges and ensuring seamless collaboration between the partners was a demanding task.

I had the privilege of developing ICERP's visual identity, aligning it with the UN core values and the code of conduct, which encompass "peace and security, human rights, the rule of law, and development," in addition to contextual considerations. The visual identity aimed to encapsulate the project's core objectives and the spirit of cooperation between the partner institutions.


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