Building Breathing Habit 💨

Building Breathing Habit 💨

59 Breaths is an early-stage startup that offers a mobile-based solution for individuals dealing with stress-related issues. The app helps users calm down and build resilience through guided breathing exercises. The client's goal was to refine and expand the existing solution to achieve the product-market fit and address the early adopters' needs. We worked in a team of two designers, a product manager, and two developers, throughout the project. My role involved product design, UX research, and co-running the discovery process. The UI design was developed by me based on the existing design system created by Richard The.

Breathing Reduces Stress, But Only When Practiced Daily

In today's fast-paced world, many of us encounter stress regularly. While not always harmful, it can boost our performance at times. The issue occurs when the stress doesn't let up, going beyond our ability to cope and respond. This relentless stress can negatively affect mental and physical health, reducing our quality of life.

In a recent study, Dr. David Spiegel highlighted the profound impact of regular breathing exercises on improving mood and reducing anxiety. Integrating these exercises into our daily routine can be powerful in managing stress and enhancing overall well-being.

Seamless Breathing Experience, and Optimized User Onboarding

Following user research combined with continuous rapid prototyping and testing, we simplified the breathing activity, improved user understanding with a new onboarding flow, and created a frictionless experience for the breathing session. Additionally, we introduced breathing achievements and progress tracking. All these efforts were aimed at helping users establish a daily breathing routine using 59 and build their sense of completion. The app has been launched and is available on iOS.

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