Login / SignUp Design

Hello everybody! Everything is as simple as possible here, in this work we create only three screens that are extremely important for any application, namely the Download Screen, then the Login screen and then the Registration screen. At the same time, we choose bold color solutions in combination with illustrations and square shapes. A new style? perhaps the origin of this style already had roots at the end of last year

Leave a comment how you like it or if there are any questions.

Custom design of iOS and Android Apps - info@loybary.com

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Experiment with different color solutions in your works

A game of color? Why not, because it gives you a new perspective on the project

Reddish Pink is the color that was originally chosen for this idea

I am always here to help if you have any questions regarding your design. Do not hesitate to contact me via E-Mail or Telegram

Loy Bary / UI UX Design
Execution of Premium Level projects for all customers

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