Orion logo & Identity

ORION, like many other businesses, faces the challenge of reducing its environmental impact. While striving to provide innovative products and services, ORION must seek a fresh, simplified identity that communicates its core values clearly and resonates with its target audience.

With a new and simple logomark that symbolizes an illuminating star, ORION aims to rekindle its brand identity. The star represents both the brand's commitment to shining a light on sustainable practices and its aspiration to be a guiding force in the industry.

This refreshed logo will serve as a beacon, drawing attention to ORION's dedication to environmental consciousness and innovative solutions, while also fostering a stronger emotional connection with its audience. Through this revamped identity, ORION strives to make a lasting impression, leaving a trail of inspiration and hope in the hearts of customers and partners alike.

Logo Supra
Solve problems through visuals

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