Fauna — The app that rewards you for being sustainable pt.9

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The client

Fauna is an app ↗ designed to encourage users to make sustainable purchases and adopt environmentally friendly habits. I joined the company in April 2021 with the goal of creating an engaging and motivating app with lots of gamification that would make it compelling for users to have a more sustainable lifestyle.

The challenge

As a sole product designer at Fauna my challenge was to design an intuitive, engaging and easy to understand app that used gamification to guide the user to make more sustainable choices like switch to a sustainable brand based on the user's purchases.

The solution and results

The app is packed with gamification principles to motivate users and make it as convenient as possible to switch to a more sustainable lifestyle. There is a lot of features, some of them very technically challenging therefore the visual design is very simple, focused on what matters with a few colors, illustrations and sometimes animations to increase friendliness and engagement.

My tasks while working at Fauna were:

  • Design engaging and easy to use app that was first a PWA and later transitioned into iOS and Android app.

  • Design website to promote the app features and benefits.

  • Improve presentations for investors.

  • Design social media posts.

  • Create in-app Lottie animations and tweak illustrations to match the visual identity.

  • Create and maintain design system with two color themes used with Tailwind and later moved to Material 3 by Google.

  • Do research and frequently test prototypes with users.

The app was loved by the users and the results speak for themselves:

  1. 60% of users consume more sustainably after they started using Fauna

  2. up to 5× i

    ncrease in partner brands grow share among Fauna users

  3. 5 star App Store ↗ rating and 4.6 stars on Google Play ↗

  4. 62% of users are still using the app after two months

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