Designing a next-gen event app

Role: Product designer

Duration: 1 Month

Year: 2023

Tools: Figma, Illustrator, Notion

Problem statement

Design an event app that helps us register for various events based on different parameters like location, category, interests, etc.

Target audience

People who like to party, College students, Employes

audience age - 16 to 40


The problem statement sounds simple but one of our clients came up with unique pain points and several new features for an event registration app that were not there in the conventional apps.

Our client really wanted to revolutionize the customer experience and leverage the offline event spaces which came to a halt during covid.

  • Some of the Pain points we are solving for

    • Conventional event registration apps are not engaging.

    • HMW we make users get back to the app on a regular basis.

    • All the even booking and hosting apps have boring UI designs so the Client wanted a Modern & Minimal app with good aesthetics

    • The app can be used as social media. Users can post pictures and videos of the events

    • Users can follow and react to posts like a social media

    • Users can Gift tickets to Friends and family

    • User can host parties and events


We listed some of the really good ideas but we were just designing the Minimum Viable Product as suggested by the client so we went to Figma to list the ideas and map them on the High Priority - High Impact graph which helped us take faster decisions on which ideas to move forward with and which ones to push to the next release.


  • Some of the ideas we came up with:

    • Share event details with friends.

    • Show events based on users’ location.

    • Related/similar events

    • Get recommendations for events that can be visited

    • Add to calendar

    • Interests

    • Event reminders

    • Wishlist events

    • Social media feed

    • Onboarding

    • Category-based event filters

    • Invite friends (Friend’s pass for the event)

    • Creating groups with friends


  • Hosting Events

    • Inviting friends

    • Payment

    • Location

1. Onboarding

Splash screen

Simple/Minimal design with little interaction

Login and Signup

We all know login and signup are the most boring and annoying processes so we want to simplify the process by removing Login, Signup, Signin, etc words and replaced with a new flow

Enter Email id screen

Users have 3 options

  1. Login using Google, Facebook, or Apple

  2. Login using Mail ID - In this user has to enter the mail id and the app will search for the email id in the database if the email id exists then the app will automatically redirect to Enter password page, If the mail id doesn't contain the app will redirect to create account page and user can create an account from there as shown in above flow chart (Since Login and signup process is bearing this will reduce one step and a hyperlink saying Login or signup)

  3. Skip - If user skips this process then the user can only browse the events and posts user cannot react, comment on any posts or host any events

1. If Mail id already exists (Login flow)

Users can see his email id, and name to confirm the identity

Still, users can skip or log in using Social media

Forgot Password flow

If user verified their both Mobile number and Email id user can select any one option to complete the verification

If user completed only one verification app will skip the first screens which is used to chose the verification method

After verifing user can change password and app will show the password strength so that user can set secure password

Password strength indicator

2. If Mail id doesn't exist (Signup flow)

Upload personal details -> verify mobile number or email ID -> Set password

Still, users can skip or Signup using Social media

Finally Onboarding process is completed 😅

Home screen, Posts, Search, your events

Home screen

Other screens

Host event flow

Enter event details - > Add location -> Payment -> Preview -> Host

This is V2 of the app where users can host an event

Design system


Other symbols

Event Booking app

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