Automation builder - New automation & Onboarding

At, we're building a customer support agent which is always on-brand, has instant answers and knows all the details about your brand or product by integrating with your data in 1-click (usually :))

We've been experimenting on layouts for automation creation, how to educate users and increase self service while helping them in each of the steps.

Creating a new automation

Making this process not daunting is done through offering guiding and learning resources, especially useful for new users who are not familiar with the system or AI at all for that matter.

  1. Automation name - What are you automating - topic.

  2. Actions - What should we do when the topic occurs.

In order to make quality automation building easy and non overloading (because automations are based on a good name, directly impacting performance), we help the user through this process by generating names for them based on one text input.

AI generating text

Another version of the onboarding for first time users, ultimately we decided against this one as it could lead to too much information being condensed and not easily scannable or understandable.

Onboarding v2

Looking to start a project? I'm available.

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More by Sefik Mujkic

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