Is having a number in the URL bad for SEO?

Having a number in a URL is not inherently bad for SEO (search engine optimization). Search engines like Google can understand and process URLs with numbers just fine. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind when using numbers in URLs:

Relevance and User-Friendly URLs: The primary goal of URLs is to provide information about the content of a page to both users and search engines. If the number in the URL is relevant to the content and makes sense to users, it can be used without any negative impact on SEO.

Readability and User Experience: User experience is an important factor in SEO. URLs that are easy to read, understand, and remember are preferred by both users and search engines. If a number in the URL enhances the clarity and relevance of the URL, it can be beneficial.

Keyword Focus: URLs can include relevant keywords that describe the content of the page. If a number is included along with a keyword in the URL and the combination is relevant to the content, it can contribute positively to SEO.

Avoid Overly Complex URLs: While numbers can be used in URLs, it's generally a good practice to keep URLs concise and avoid unnecessary complexity. Long and convoluted URLs with excessive numbers and special characters can be confusing to users and may not be as search engine-friendly.

URL Structure: The overall structure of your website's URLs matters for SEO. A consistent and organized URL structure helps search engines and users navigate your site more easily. Whether you use numbers or not, maintaining a clear structure is important.

Canonicalization: If you have multiple URLs with similar content, it's important to use canonicalization to indicate the preferred version of the page to search engines. This can help prevent duplicate content issues

Posted on Aug 21, 2023

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