Transforming a Learning Library for Enhanced User Engagement

Carrot Academy is Instacart's internal learning management system for micro-lessons.


I led the initiative to revamp Carrot Academy's learning library—an internal learning management system. The goal was to align content with our brand's fresh identity, elevate user engagement, and enrich the learning experience.


Collaborating closely with cross-functional teams, I embarked on an iterative journey to reshape the learning landscape. By infusing strategic content design principles, I meticulously curated each pathway, ensuring that users encountered a coherent and engaging learning journey.


To address this challenge, I developed a systematic approach. First, I meticulously reviewed each lesson's content, copyediting for clarity, coherence, and alignment with the new brand tone. Simultaneously, I collaborated with the design team to update graphics, ensuring they


Working closely with cross-functional teams, I executed a seamless transformation of the learning library. I engaged in iterative rounds of reviews and revisions, ensuring that each lesson was not only accurate in content but also visually consistent, resulting in a cohesive and engaging learning environment.


Carrot Academy's learning library emerged as a harmonized platform where users encountered visually captivating micro-lessons seamlessly aligned with the brand's identity. The user feedback echoed the positive impact of this transformation, with learners commending the clarity, consistency, and immersive experience.


This case study highlights my ability to orchestrate complex content transformations. It showcases my expertise in content strategy, program management, and design integration. By prioritizing user-centricity, I demonstrated how effective content design and program coordination can elevate learning resources and user engagement.

Posted on Aug 29, 2023

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