Cricbuzz - Subscription Flow Redesign


Create designs for android/ios app for user subscription flow.

Problem Statement:

- Identify challenges in the current subscription flow for the Android/iOS app.

- Explore issues hindering a smooth user experience and hindering subscription      conversions.

- Investigate complexities in the existing process that make app service subscription less user-friendly.

- Examine elements in the current user journey that lack seamlessness and visual appeal.


Simplified Navigation:

- Implement a clear and straightforward navigation structure for the subscription flow.

- Minimize the number of steps to subscribe, reducing user effort.

User Guidance:

- Provide intuitive guidance throughout the subscription process, ensuring users understand each step.

- Incorporate tooltips or informational pop-ups for key subscription details.

Clear Call-to-Action:

- Use a prominently placed and visually appealing call-to-action (CTA) to encourage subscription.

- Clearly communicate the benefits of subscribing to incentivize user action.

Visual Consistency:

- Maintain a consistent visual design that aligns with the overall app theme and branding.

- Use a visually cohesive color scheme, fonts, and imagery to enhance the user experience.

Error Handling:

- Develop clear and user-friendly error messages for any subscription-related issues.

- Offer solutions or alternative actions to guide users through potential obstacles.

Confirmation and Next Steps:

- Display a concise and visually pleasing confirmation screen upon successful            subscription.

- Outline the next steps users should take after subscribing, setting clear expectations.

User Flow:


Color Palette


Visual Design

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I am also available on: Fiverr & Upwork

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