Automotive Concept Redesign


  1. Outdated Design:

  2. Performance Issues:

  3. Content Disorganization:

  4. Limited Interactivity:


  1. Modernized Design:

    • Implemented a contemporary, responsive design with sleek typography, a refined color palette, and high-quality imagery.

  2. Performance Optimization:

    • Conducted a comprehensive performance audit, optimizing code and media assets to significantly reduce loading times.

  3. Content Organization:

    • Restructured the website architecture for intuitive content organization, facilitating seamless navigation and information retrieval.

  4. Interactive Features:

    • Introduced interactive elements and added animations, that are making the visitor feel themself as a part of the website


  • The redesigned website achieved a modern, premium look, aligning with Porsche's brand image.

  • Loading times were substantially reduced, improving overall performance and user satisfaction.

  • Streamlined content organization enhanced user navigation and facilitated quicker access to information.

  • Interactive features contributed to increased user engagement and showcased Porsche's innovation.

More by Marius Cobilas

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