Book Redesign - Somone Else's Shoes - Jojo Moyes

After our women's book club discussed this book, I felt compelled to redesign its cover. Let me clarify, I'm not critiquing the original cover or diminishing anyone's effort. It's just that while reading, I envisioned a different approach to visually represent the story.

In homage to its London setting, I retained the iconic colors of the British flag. Additionally, recognizing the shoes' substantial role as both a character and a recurring motif in the book, I believed they deserved prominent visual representation on the cover.

As for the diamonds, their significance becomes apparent as the story unfolds. I found it fitting to include them discreetly on the cover, offering a subtle nod to readers familiar with the plot.

I used my typical process by starting my sketch in Procreate, then digitized in Illustrator and mocked it all up in Photoshop.

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