Screen Time Blocker Mobile App

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Hello everyone! We're sharing our design concept for an app designed to help users manage and limit their screen time across various applications.

The app features a welcoming onboarding, a main screen with total screen time stats, in-depth app usage insights, and surveys assessing the usefulness of time spent on each app.

The color scheme for the app employs dark blue for background elements and purple, pink, and green for accents. This lively use of color animates statistical graphics, enhancing readability and helping to categorize information at a glance.

The primary feature of this design is its streamlined categorization and presentation of data through graphs and charts. These visual tools are designed to empower users to analyze their screen time effortlessly and make informed decisions on how to reduce it.

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Ronas IT | UI/UX Team
We make complex applications simple for users🖤

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