Deck Template

Deck is a modern, minimal, cutting-edge HTML5/CSS3 Material Design template, meticulously crafted upon the robust UIkit Framework (v3). Focused on the principles of minimalism and peak performance. Deck is finely tuned for remarkable speed, boasting an impressively compact page size, typically staying below 500kb.

Constructed with Vanilla JavaScript, it stands as one of the fastest templates available today. While the use of jQuery remains optional, it can be selectively employed for specific JavaScript plugins tailored to the unique requirements of your project.

In a concerted effort to minimize external dependencies, reduce network traffic, and optimize page size, Deck exclusively utilizes System Default Fonts (System UI). Google fonts are offered as an optional enhancement. Additionally, Deck seamlessly incorporates Google Material Icons, providing the flexibility to tailor them precisely to your needs.

Sass empowers you to customize Deck's aesthetic elements, with its SCSS files seamlessly intertwined with UIKit's SCSS resources. All customizations within the UIKit framework efficiently flow through a simple UIKit theme file, offering easy editing capabilities. This streamlined approach facilitates the compilation of singular "deck.js" and "deck.css" files for all pages, significantly improving loading speeds, optimizing network transfers, and maintaining minimal page sizes.

For maximal versatility, optional JavaScript plugins and supplementary resources can be asynchronously loaded at runtime via LoadJS, a lightweight asynchronous loading library. Deck intelligently fetches resources precisely when they are required, ensuring optimal resource management.

At the core of Deck's architecture are JS Classes, providing a modular and effortlessly extendable framework. Enhanced by a robust PubSub system, Deck encompasses all the tools necessary for creating modern, high-performance systems.

Deck requires a minimal set of functional dependencies:

  • Node.js - An open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment.

  • Yarn - JavaScript package manager

  • Gulp 4 - A task runner built on Node.js.

Main Features

  • Material Design

  • Based on UIkit 3 framework

  • Vanilla JS [default]

  • JQuery [optional]

  • System UI Fonts

  • Responsive layout

  • Easily customizable [SCSS]

  • LoadJS Async loader [CSS/JS]

  • JavaScript Classes [~OOP ES6]

  • Material Design Icons

  • WebSockets [optional]

  • PubSub System

  • Plugin System

  • Minimal size

  • Maximum performance