Climb Hire Rebrand + Case Study

Car­rie is a type­face that is full of his­to­ry. Designed by Tré Seals of Vocal Type, the type­face is named for notable suf­frage leader Car­rie Chap­man Catt and is based on protest sig­nage from the suf­fragette move­ment, bold­ly speak­ing to Climb Hire’s ded­i­ca­tion to lift­ing up oth­ers. We car­ried the hand­made protest sig­nage direc­tion fur­ther by also intro­duc­ing a rolled-ink tex­ture and dynam­ic typog­ra­phy to the visu­al system.

The cor­ner­stone of the Climb Hire visu­al iden­ti­ty is the out­spo­ken type treat­ment of bold, tilt­ed head­lines that bleed off the edge. What bet­ter way to rep­re­sent break­ing through and ris­ing up than lit­er­al­ly break­ing through and ris­ing up through com­po­si­tion? The imper­fect nature of this treat­ment illus­trates a pow­er­ful, hands-on feel that res­onates with our audi­ence of Climbers.

To com­ple­ment Car­rie, Diatype Semi-Mono cap­tures the same grass­roots feel­ings and pairs well with Carrie’s retro flair. Mono­space fonts exist for the express pur­pose of type­writ­ers and com­put­er sys­tems, so this choice nods to the tech land­scape many Climbers aspire to. For extra cohe­sion, Diatype is also used for the logotype.

Click here to view the full case study.


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