Just Eat Takeaway Dice App Concept UX

The problem

With an abundance of restaurants at your fingertips, I found the Just Eat mobile app to suffer with the same choice fatigue as popular streaming services. A person or group overwhelmed when presented with too much choice can result in indecision and loss of interest.

The proposal

I set out to design a companion app and promotional tool that can playfully tackle the issue of "What's for dinner?". All while creating engagement and encouraging user to come back during events, parties and family gatherings.

How does it work?

The app generates user interaction by enabling them to create custom dice featuring their favourite restaurants or cuisines - along with the option for Just Eat to add promotional dice for certain events such as sponsored football tournaments. The user would shake or tap the device to roll after entering the after entering the Dice Roll tab. Once the 3D element finishes rolling the user is given the option to go to the main Just Eat app with their selections filtered or direct to the page of the restaurant rolled.

Created as a concept experiment and learning method to pick up working with Figma's tools and prototyping methods while exploring an interest in UI design with no prior professional UX / UI experience.

More by Ryan Blairs

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