Z1 Digital Studio — Website Process Scroll

Hello, Dribbblers!

Our process page takes center stage on our new website. We wanted it to be not only informative but also actionable, so we empowered it with useful resources like Figma kits or docs with broader info for you to get into every single detail of our future collaboration.

We know crafting the perfect digital experience is a meditated decision, and finding your perfect partner to do it can be harsh. We know you deserve to know exactly how your idea is going to take off, step by step, from day one. Visiting our new website you can feel safe because it is not just about showcasing our work; it's an invitation to create together your digital product → from zero to one.

To do that, we vertically split the page in two. On the left, you can see each of the big steps we follow when creating digital products. By clicking on "see more," you get all the details related to that phase of the process.

For the right side of the screen, we designed an animation that evolves while scrolling up and down. A metaphor for how an idea turns into a tangible outcome, from the discovery phase, with different pieces and shapes at the beginning, to a perfect device based on Da Vinci’s perpetual motion machine concept for the product launch at the very end.

About Z1

Our clients always say we are "the best digital crafters you can rely on." The truth is we are a team of creatives and makers passionate about working with founding teams and helping them make their ideas a reality.

Check out our process and get in touch at hola@z1.digital.

Stay tuned for more digital product inspiration 👇👇👇

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We take digital products from zero to one.

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