Mysteryland 2016 website design

Had the opportunity to to do design of the new Mysterland website at GRRR (The agency I work at). Mysteryland is a big Dutch dance festival which also takes place in the US and Chile.

The project was really fun and had some big design challenges. One of the biggest was thinking about the system of the tiles like; how much different sizes, patterns, and functions there needed to be and how they would react when they would add or change content. Not to forget: keeping everything looking nice on mobile :)

I think it came out pretty well. Hope ya'll like it too!

You can check it out on (OH and don't forget to click the pineapple while you're at it! ;) )

(Art direction was done by Frank Burghout & Jeroen Disch)

Sidenote: unfortunately the navigation on mobile has a bug atm as it takes too much space, it'll be fixed soon!

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